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Benefits of Insoles for Runners

You have the best clothes, the perfect shoes and the right attitude for your run. Why should you add shoe soles to your equipment? If you want a safe run with healthy feet and legs, here are some important benefits of running shoe insoles.

According to Runner’s World, "about 15% of all running injuries hit the foot" *, which is not surprising. And plantar fasciitis is one of the most common foot conditions, affecting runners in large quantities.

The condition occurs when a strip of tissue on the bottom of the foot is stretched and inflamed, and it causes heel pain.

The insoles for running shoes help reduce the strain on the plantar fascia tissue and prevent FP by providing proper cushioning and arch support.

General knee and ankle pain are also common complaints among runners. By wearing running insoles like Powerstep's PULSE®, runners can reduce stress on the knees and ankles and stabilize the feet. Foot orthotics can reduce tension around the soft ankle tissue and improve muscle strength.

The shin splints can cause serious injury - not to mention delays in returning to regular training. Running on hard surfaces without proper shoes can cause shin splints, but one of the best ways to prevent this from happening is to make sure your feet are properly padded with the soles of running shoes.

Metatarsalgia and metatarsal fractures are another common problem for runners and are still problems that can be easily avoided. Providing the right support and cushion reduces the shock and stress on the metatarsal bones of the foot.

The shoe soles for runners protect the metatarsal bones from shock and pressure they may experience during running.

For those who have excessive pronation, insoles for running are essential to avoid injuries that can occur due to fallen arches or flat feet. By correcting the overpronation with the right soles, runners take steps to avoid shin splints, onions, ankle sprains, and other problems.
All of this proves that small investment insoles will pay off in the long run. Browse the Powerstep collection today to find the best running shoe soles.

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