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Showing posts from February, 2020

Tips to Take Care of Your Shoes in 2020

300 million pairs of shoes end up in landfills every year. But we can reduce the amount of this waste by learning how to bring our favorite old shoes back to life. Bright Side has found some low-budget tips that can help make old shoes more beautiful than new ones. You probably haven't heard of many of these tips, so be sure to check them out! Check out!PQqziCYq:best-walking-shoes-for-men-with-flat-feet-%5B2020%5D-fitflop-shoessite 1. Use glue to fix the slippery soles. Apply a few strips of hot glue to the sole of your shoes to make them less slippery. 2. Dry shampoo and baby powder eliminate shoe odor. You can either apply a dry shampoo directly to your feet to remove perspiration, or spray it inside your shoes to absorb the bad smell. You can also get rid of the foul smell with baby powder. 3. Use stale bread to clean the suede shoes. Thanks to its rough texture, stale bread can remove surface stains from your suede shoes without ruining the ...